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Department of Literary History of XX—XXI centuries: Contemporary Challenges

M.M. Goloubkov

Goloubkov Mikhail М.,

Ph.D., Professor,

Chairman of Modern Russian literature and contemporary literary process Faculty of Philology

Lomonosov Moscow State University



This article deals with actual problems of twentieth-century literature in relation to the current situation of higher humanitarian education. An author looks over the problems and the perspectives the Department of modern Russian literature history and contemporary literary process of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University is faced with.

Russian literature of the XX century is presented as a complex functional unity that includes three subsystems: metropolis, diaspora, and “catacomb” literature. In addition, the role of the Russian language as the world language in the development of national literatures in the post-Soviet space is looked over.

Keywords: contemporary literature, literature of the XX century, the newest Russian literature, national literatures in Russian.