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S.S. Averintsev. A brilliant philologist and literary critic

R.A. Galtseva

Galtseva Renata A.,

Philosopher, Writer, Senior researcher

Research interest: the study of Russian religious thought and ideological trends and conflicts of our time



In according to the biographical genre the article devoted to the creative way of S.S. Averintsev, the great philologist and philosopher of culture and the unique personality of the Christian education in the universities. Averintsev is aresearcher in the fields of ancient oriental and Byzantine literature, as well Russian and Western philosophy. As a researcher of “tipping” moments of cultural history, he showed the mechanism and created the theory of “interpenetration” of ancient and Christian worlds, giving birth to a new civilization. He is presented as the author of a particular genre of “spiritual poems”; and as an active participant in the meetings of the Congress of People's Deputies and more — in the turbulent public life.

Keywords: classical philology, Biblical exegesis, “cultural shift”, “shifted word”, “spiritual poems”, the fate of the poet.



1. Averincev S.S. Filologija: nauka i istoricheskaja pamjat' / Monologi i dialogi. — M., 1988. — S. 381.

2. Averincev S.S. Pojety. — M., 1996.

3. Averincev S.S. Skvoreshnic vol'nyh grazhdanin. — SPb., 2001.

4. R.A. Gal'ceva. Neskol'ko stranic telefonnyh razgovorov s S.S. Averincevym // Znamja. — 2006. — No. 10.

5. Gal'ceva R.A., Rodnjanskaja I.B. K portretu voshodjashhej kul'tury. Rec. na kn.: Averincev. Pojetika rannevizantijskoj literatury. — M., 1977 // Novyj mir. — 1978. — No. 12.