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International congress literary critic «The first russian-ukrainian philological reading “Dialogue of slavic cultures”»

O.V. Tolmacheva

Tolmacheva Oksana V.,

Ph.D. Candidate of Philology

Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin



The article presents a chronicle of events of the International Congress of literature dedicated to the anniversaries of M. Lermontov, T.G. Shevchenko, E.I. Zamyatin (October 1—4, 2014, Tambov—Elets), and an overview of some of the reports of russian and foreign researchers, published a two-volume collection of materials and read at the plenary and section sessions of Congress.

Keywords: congress, the first russian-ukrainian reading, literary criticism on the modern stage.


1.         Literatura ne znaet granits: interviu s professorom L.V. Polyakovoy / besedovala E. Lebedeva // Tambovskaya zhizn'. — 2014, 1 oktjabrja.

2.         Literaturovedenie na sovremennom etape: Teoriya. Istoriya literatury. Tvorcheskie individual'nosti. Vyp. 2: K 30-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya E.I. Zamyatina. Po materialam Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa literaturovedov 1—4 okt. 2014 g.: v 2 kn. / Otv. red. i sost. L.V. Polyakova. Kn. 1: Tambov: Izdatel'skiy dom TGU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2014; Kn. 2: Elets: Eletskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet im. I.A. Bunina, 2014.