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Textual Trails from Oral to Written Sources: 11th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS 2014)

T.N. Bogrdanova

Bogrdanova Tatiana N.,

Ph.D., Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor

Philological Faculty, Department for Germanic Philology

Kalmyk State University



The article is a report on the materials of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (Helsinki, 30th of October — 1st of November 2014). This new interdisciplinary field of research in the humanities (philology in the broadest sense) opens a discussion of such topical issues as scholarly approaches to the presentation, interpretation and editing of classical texts in a virtual environment, as well as of greater cooperation with users. Also, a broader framework of textual studies promises new perspectives for such disciplines as folkloristics, translation studies, etc.

Keywords: Textual Scholarship, oral tradition, written text, scholarly editing, digital philology.


1. The 11th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS 2014) Textual Trails from Oral to Written Sources. Helsinki, 30th of October — 1st of November 2014. Programme. — [URL]:

2. The 11th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS 2014) Textual Trails from Oral to Written Sources. Helsinki, 30th of October — 1st of November 2014. Abstracts. — [URL]:

3. Katajamäki, Sakari & Lukin, Karina. 2013. “Textual Trails from Oral to Written Sources: An Introduction”. In Limited Sources, Boundless Possibilities Textual Scholarship and the Challenges of Oral and Written Texts, Karina Lukin, Frog and Sakari Katajamäki (ed). A special issue of RMN Newsletter 7: 8—17.