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Future in M.A. Bulgakov's story “The Fatal eggs”

D.D. Nikolaev

Nikolaev Dmitry D.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading research worker

Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Science)


The article reveals the features of the image of the future in M.A. Bulgakov's story “The Fatal eggs”. Bulgakov’s novel is compared with the works of A. Chayanov, V. Kirillov, M. Shahinian, Vs. Ivanov, V. Shklovsky, P. Tutkovsky and others, etc. created in the 1920s, using fiction as a technique. It’s shown that the author of “Fatal eggs” does not allow changes to the existing world, and life changes can equally be defined as the movement and forward and backward. What happened in Russia changes are external in nature, and the human characters and their relationships remained the same. Bulgakov by reception fiction emphasizes the impossibility of speculative fiction ideal, retaining only the belief in miracles as a permanent component of the metaphysical-religious picture of the world.

Key words: Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Fatal Eggs”, satire, russian literature of the ХХ century, science fiction, futurology.


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