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The concept of time in the novel “Laurus” by E. Vodolazkin

A.V. Zhuchkova

Zhuchkova Anna V.,

Ph. D. in Philology (Candidate of Philological Sciences),

Assistant-professor, department of Russian and Foreign Literature

Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, Moscow


The concept of time in the novel “Laurus” is a compound of two models: the mosaic and the vector. We meet in the novel many eras, from Antiquity to the modernity, this is a mosaic of ages. But a person can combine all these times in its internal psychological time and — to change them. The person is a derivative of the time and the history, but also a person can subdue the time and change the course of history. Eugene Vodolazkin scheme offers an unusual space-time relations in the artwork. It extends Bakhtin's chronotope, undermines its stability and introduces the category of multiplicity, variability time. E. Vodolazkin believes that the internal time equals to the sum of moral changes of the soul.

Keywords: subjective psychological time, space, mosaic, axle, hagiography, the hero, Laurus.


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