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Reconstruction of the “National image”, or Opening Another

K.K. Sultanov

Sultanov Kazbek K.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Head of the Department of Literatures of the peoples of Russia and CIS IMLI RAS


The article discusses the experience of deconstruction national image on the material culture and literature of the peoples of the former USSR, presented in the works of literary critic, philosopher, cultural studies G.D. Gachev. Perceiving every literature as difficult to organize the system and national image as a meaningful concept, the researcher paid special attention to the mentality as the mindset, historical and cultural semantics of the image, to search his deep cultural archetypes. He aspired to a holistic perception of national and cultural worlds, distinguishing for ethnic specificity — cultural universals, when national images appear as invariants of the Image of the World. With all the focus on indicators of mentality (archetypal cultural patterns, auto stereotype, mythopoetical intentions) Gachev defended dynamic model of identity in its correlation with organic ideas intercultural mutual reflections.

Keywords: mentality, national image, identity, reconstruction, difference, universal, intercultural dialogue.


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