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Image of the War in Russian poetry of XX—XXI centuries

H.Yu. Mouratova

Mouratova Helena Yu.,

Ph.D. Candidate of Philology,

Associate professor of the Chair of General and Russian linguistics

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Belorussia

This article analyzes the linguistic means of creating an image of war in Russian poetry of XX—XXI centuries. Research material poem A. Twardowski, S. Shchipachev, K. Simonov, Yu. Drunina, N. Rubtsov, V. Vysotsky and others. It is proved that a variety of linguistic resources — in fact lexicon, comparisons, epithets, originality morphological forms of words, the antithesis and etc. — are a source of new deep meanings poetic work.

Keywords: war, memory, victory, antithesis, comparison.


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