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Emergence of the Shorian literature in the context of the Altai Spiritual Mission

I.S. Poltoratsky

Poltoratsky Ivan S.,

Junior Researcher

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS,

Study of Literature Department (IPhl SB RAS), Novosibirsk



Missionary work of Russian Orthodox Church in Altai on the edge between 19th and 20th centuries led to the appearence of literatures with recent writing systems of small indigenous peoples in Siberia. The genre featrures of diary prose written by I.M. Shtygashev as founder of Altai literature in the context of Old Russian literature and national folklore traditions are considered in this article.

Keywords: National literature, Siberian literature, Altai (Shor) literature, Altai spiritual mission (I.M. Shtygashev).



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3.         Kurpeshko-Tannatasheva N.N., Apon'kin F.Ja. Shorsko-russkij i russko-shorskij slovar'. — Kemerovo, 1993.

4.         Pravoslavnaja Jenciklopedija. — M., 2000. — T. 2. — S. 43–49.

5.         Chinina Je.P. Russkaja literatura XIX veka i stanovlenie molodoj altajskoj literatury. Atoref. dis. kand. fil. nauk. — SPb., 1993.

6.         Shtygashev I.M. Postuplenie v uchilishhe. — Kazan': Tip. V.M. Kljuchnikova, 1885.