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Some new documents for the biography G. Gukovsky

T.V. Levchenko

Levchenko Tatiana V.,

Ph.D, master of Philology, Leading Scientist

State Scientific Center of Russian Federation «VNIIgeosystem»



In this article there is presented the letter from the archive of literary critic F. Levin: one of the most famous philologists and literary critics of the XX century G. Gukovsky to I. Serguevsky, Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Sciences USSR. It was written shortly before his arrest during the ideological antisemitic campain 1948—1949. It makes clear that due to the help of Serguevsky Gukovsky was not expelled from the Institute of Russian Literature (the Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences as a ideologically alien, but leaved it owing to his bad health (that is of his own free will).

Keywords: G.A. Gukovsky, I.S. Sergius, letter, Pushkin House, the campaign against cosmopolitanism, dismissal, archive F.M. Levin.


1. Ivanov M.V. Zvezda Gukovskogo. — [URL]: (data obrashhenija 16.05.2015).

2. Druzhinin P.Ja. Ideologija i filologija. — M.: NLO, 2012. — [URL]: (data obrashhenija 16.05.2015).

3. Levin F. Iz glubin pamjati. — M.: Sovetskij pisatel', 1973.

4. Andronikov I. Velikaja jestafeta. — M.: Detskaja literatura, 1975.

5. Kostin A.A. Izuchenie russkoj literatury XVIII veka v 30-e gody (perepiska redakcii «Literaturnogo nasledstva» s G.A. Gukovskim i drugimi avtorami) // Russkaja literatura. — 2009. — No. 2. — S. 79–104. — [URL]: (data obrashhenija 17.05.2015).

6. «Udast'sja li prorubit' jetu stenu...» (iz pisem M.K. Azadovskogo k N.K. Gudziju 1949—1950 godov). — [URL]: (data obrashhenija 17.05.2015).

7. I.V. Sergievskij nekrolog. — [URL]: (data obrashhenija 17.05.2015).

8. Serman I.Z. Zabytyj spor (iz istorii izuchenija russkoj literatury XVIII veka). — [URL]: (data obrashhenija 17.05.2015).