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“Nation, not listed in any dictionary”. To the problem of the notion of post-war literature of the Russian abroad

V.V. Agenosov

Agenosov Vladimir V.,

Honored Scientist of Russia, doctor of Philology,

Professor of Institute of International Law and Economics

named after A. S. Griboedov and Beijing Foreign Studies University



Research interests. Specializes in Russian literature of the twentieth century, in particular, the literature of Russian abroad. Author of books: “Russian Literature Abroad” (1998) and “Risen from oblivion. Anthology of writers, DP and second emigration” (2014). Printed in Russia, China, USA.


The author believes that the traditional division of literature of the Russian Diaspora in chronological order (time of emigration) is not unique. In particular, among the writers of post-revolutionary emigration there is a large group of authors (Y. Ivask, B. Narcissus, A. Perfiliev, I. Saburova, N. Kudashev, A. Nameroc), whose life and works are far from the typological features of the literature of the first emigration. Their fate stateless persons (displaced persons) during the Second world war and post-war period closer to the fate of post-war emigration, the art world and their works typologically close to the creativity of the authors of the second emigration. It does not means, that the writers of the post-war emigration had its own distinctive themes (war, life in the USSR, the GULAG).

Keywords: post-revolutionary emigration, postwar immigration, displaced persons, literature, poetry, prose, war, GULAG.