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On discrepancies in the versions of the novel “The Ivanov Family” (“Return”). Textual operation and Poetics

M.Yu. Mikheev

Mikheev Mikhail Yu.,

Doctor of Philology,

Leading researcher at NIVC MGU (Lomonosov Moscow State University).

Research interests: dairy texts, language of fiction, works of Platonov, Shalamov, Nabokov and Bulgakov.



The text history of the story Platonov “Family Ivanova”. On the basis of new data the hypothesis that the typewritten version, found them in the archives V. Grossman, preceded by the time the one that was published in the journal “Novy Mir” in 1946, presents examples of changes, introduced by the magazine in the text of the story. Analyzed repeats keywords in the text; introduced a significant parameter determining the significance of the word — it Predupominanie. Predupominany traced the fate of the key words and phrases of the story: shudder / shudder snoring / snore, wrinkled / wrinkles bother / hlopochuschih were born / erysipelas, pathetic / plaintive, boots, always remember / eternal memory — in all four editions of it’s known today.

Keywords: Andrey Platonov; “The Ivanov Family”; textual criticism; discrepancies in the versions of a novel; correction in accordance with the socialist-realist canon; textual operations: reduction, addition, replacements; poetic technique of ‘Predupominanie’.




1. Miheev M.Ju. Ot “Sem'i Ivanova” k “Vozvrashheniju” A.P. Platonova. Voprosy tekstologii. Filologicheskie nauki. Nauchnye doklady vysshej shkoly, 2015, no. 2, s. 58–73 (sm. tam Literaturu).

2. Miheev M. Redaktirovanie sobstvennogo teksta: stil'+ ili stil'? (leto 1921 i osen' 1929 v “Revzapovednike” Platonova). «Strana filosofov» Andreja Platonova. Problemy tvorchestva. Vyp. 6, Moskva, 2005, s. 395–307.

3. Platonov A.P. Sem'ja Ivanova. RGALI F. 1710 V.C. Grossman, op. 1, no. 144. Tri rasskaza A.P. Platonova.