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Speech aggression as a stylistic dominant of Internet communication

M.A. Vasilchenko
UDC 811.161.1`42

Vasilchenko Maria A.,

Candidate of Philology,

Lecturer of the Stylistics of the Russian Language Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University



Speech aggression and hate speech is a scientific problem of interest not only to linguists, but also to sociologists, philosophers, law researchers and other specialists, as well as media researchers, which proves the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon. A huge contribution to the study of this issue has been made within such a discipline as linguoecology, which considers aggressive speech behaviour as a factor threatening not only the speech norm, but also the linguistic picture of the world of native speakers, which, as a consequence, will change their value orientations. This paper aims to describe speech aggression, and its type — hate speech, as a stylistic dominant of online communication. Due to the development of online communication, speech aggression has become increasingly recorded in written texts. This led to the spread of such behaviour among users and the formation of alternative speech norms: profanity, invective and illiteracy became signs of frankness and simplicity, while normative speech began to be associated with arrogance. All this poses a great danger to the national style.

Keywords: speech aggression, hate speech, conflict, conflict language, national style, Internet language, online communication

The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 22-18-00225)


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