Generalova Elena V.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department
St. Petersburg State University
The article examines stable combinations functioning in the Russian language of different eras, including broad-meaning (developing the most generalized semantics, that receives specification in usage) nouns. The purpose of the analysis is to establish the general and specific in the functioning of broad-meaning lexemes in history and in the modern Russian language, to trace the dynamics in the formation of Russian combinations with broad-meaning nouns, to draw conclusions about the features of lexical and phraseological eurysemy. Among stable combinations with broad-meaning nouns, there are different ones in terms of stability and the presence of a semantic shift (from collocations to idioms), but it was found that the inclusion of a broad-meaning lexeme in a stable combination does not make a phraseological unit broad-meaning. The study showed that the range of nouns developing a broad meaning in stable combinations is relatively constant, but not unchangeable (including the words time, business, place, person, thing, before the 18th century — custom, since the 19th century — thing, life, since the 20th century — point, song, etc.). The broad meaning of lexemes is realized primarily in certain constructions that are preserved in the language of different periods and reveal their synonymy due to the interchangeability of broad-meaning nouns. The active trend of modern phraseology is the formation of prepositional case combinations with broad– meaning nouns. The generalized semantics of the analyzed words does not exclude their use in the language in other, specific meanings, which confirms the hypothesis of the coexistence of broad meaning and polysemy.
Keywords: stable combination, semantics, broad-meaning (eurysemy), noun, phraseological unit, modern Russian language
The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-18-00141,
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