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Corpus-discursive analysis of implicit evaluativeness in the media language of the Internet in the light of quantitative linguoculturology

T.B. Radbil
UDC 81`24+004

Radbil Timur B.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Department

Institute of Philology and Journalism

National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod



The paper presents the final stage of a research project on contensive and quantitative analysis of induced evaluativeness implied by the contextual environment of the analyzed words or expressions in the native speakers’ discursive practices of The subject of the study is the eventual verbs proizoyti — sluchit’sya — sostoyat’sya — sovershit’sya — svershit’sya —osushchestvit’sya — ispolnit’sya — sbyt’sya. The methodology of quantitative cognitive-discursive analysis of corpus data is used. The research material is lexicographic interpretations of words in the main Russian explanatory dictionaries and contexts extracted from newspaper corpuses as part of the Russian National Corpus. It is shown that at the level of lexicographic interpretations, these verbs do not contain any evaluativeness, while in their speech implementation they demonstrate significant positive-evaluative or negative-evaluative potential. According to the quantitative analysis, a value scale is postulated for the conceptual space of eventual verbs: the pole of the prevailing implicit negative evaluation is embodied by the verbs proizoyti and sluchit’sya; at the opposite pole of the dominant positive evaluation are the verbs ispolnit’sya, svershit’sya and sbyt’sya; the middle zone with a predominance of neutral evaluativeness is occupied by the verbs sostoyat’sya, osushchestvit’sya and sovershit’sya. A conclusion is drawn about the significance of the proposed analytical tools for solving the problem of verifying linguoculturological knowledge and legitimizing procedures for studying the “language of culture”.

Keywords: “language of values”, Russian eventual verbs, implicit evaluativeness, corpus-discourse analysis, Internet media speech, newspaper corpuses, quantitative linguoculturology


The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-28-00368,


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