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Features of the representation of religious symbols in translingual literature (based on the works of Ch. Aitmatov)

M.S. Chinloda
UDC 82-3

Chinloda Madina S.,

Candidate of Philology,

Head of the Scientific and Innovation Department

A. Orusbaev Institute of the Russian Language

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)



The proposed work examines the features of the transmission of images through religious symbols and meanings used in the work of the bilingual writer Ch. Aitmatov, a prominent representative of translingual literature. The study of the work of Ch. Aitmatov as a result of the creative understanding of the world by a bilingual author makes it possible to identify the level of influence of Russian culture on the formation of the author’s individual picture of the world of the writer, as well as to study the significance of religious symbols and meanings through which the author conveys the deep aspects of the works to the reader. In this regard, the main goals of the research work are set: identification of individual author’s figurative expressions found in such texts of works of art by Ch. Aitmatov, as “The White Steamship”, “When the Mountains Fall”, “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century”, “Farewell, Gyulsary”, which contain religious meanings and symbols used by the author to achieve the goals of artistic creativity; conducting a linguistic analysis of lexical units originating in Christianity, Islam and Tengrism, which the author uses to convey imagery; determining the role of religious symbols in the artistic work of Ch. Aitmatov.

Keywords: bilingualism, translingualism, translingual literature, imagery, religious meanings, symbols, individual author’s view of the world



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