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Axiological picture of the art world of Teffy: Linguocultural aspect

T.V. Markelova
UDC 811.161.1`42

Markelova Tatiana V.,

Doctor of Philology,

First vice-rector is the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs,

Professor of the Journalism and Mass Communications Department

Institute of Contemporary Art



The article examines the issue of the linguacultural approach to the work of a unique linguistic personality — Nadezhda Teffi, whose prose vividly reflects the tragedy of the revolutionary and post-revolutionary development of Russia, a special ironic perception and depiction of reality. The language representation of this perception is built on the features of the axiological portrait of the writer, the evaluative vocabulary is considered through the prism of the elements of the evaluation scale — connotative signs formed by the conceptual images of zoonyms and phytonyms. In the process of finding the semantic dominants of creativity, the article describes the specificity of Teffi’s artistic world, consisting in the selection of a normative fragment of the axiological picture from all the elements of the evaluation scale. The special attitude of the writer to the norm as a genuine or imaginary phenomenon is described. The range of expression of zoonyms and phytonyms is presented as one of the language implementers of an ironic assessment — a comparison formed by stereotypical and mythological images of consciousness in the Russian cultural field. The implicit and explicit parameters of the artist’s worldview are highlighted as an analogue of external and internal speech in the paradigm of the gradation of “thoughtful”, “tragic” ironic assessment. Examples of semantic features of the creative style of the writer’s portrait, reflecting the Russian cultural space of the complex revolutionary period in an unusual context, are identified and described.

Keywords: linguocultural aspect, axiological aspect, ironic evaluation, comparison, zoonyms, phytonyms, stereotype, mythological image



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