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Ethnic identification of a creative bilingual personality in Russian-language texts

N.A. Tokareva
UDC 811.161.1`4=512.15

Tokareva Nadezhda A.,

Teacher of Additional Education, PhD student of the Russian Language and Intercultural Communication Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to the comprehension and description of the ethnic self-identification of the creative bilingual poet of Eduard Mizhit in the literary texts created by him in the Russian-language. This is the main purpose of the study. The accompanying goal is to show the typical by the example of a private, individual experience of Russian–speaking creativity of an ethnically non-Russian personality. That is, to identify the features of mass bilingualism characteristic of different locales of Russian Federation. Several poems by E. Mizhit created in Russian were selected as the material for the analysis. During the analysis at the level of the lexical tier, several ways of expressing the ethnic identity of the bilingual author were identified: direct, indirect, hidden. The experience of communication in Russian of an ethnically non-Russian personality also contributes to a deeper understanding of why Russian-language literature by ethnically non-Russian authors cannot be automatically correlated with Russian national literature.

Keywords: Russian-foreign bilingualism, ethnic identity, self-identification, Russian-speaking, Tuvan culture



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