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Translation as “reflection”. I.F. Annensky: Continuation of the theme

O.Yu. Ivanova
UDC 811.161.1`4

Ivanova Olga Yu.,

Candidate of Culturology,

Associate Professor of the Translation Studies and

Applied Linguistics Department

State University of Education

e-mail: 0000-0002-2827-5060


The author of the article develops the topic related to the evaluation of translation activity of one of the brightest representatives and ideologists of the Russian Silver Age culture I.F. Annensky. He made a significant contribution to the development of Russian culture as a poet, translator, critic, pedagogue and scientist-methodologist of the general secondary education system. The author of the article believes that pedagogy is the starting point in all other directions of I.F. Annensky’s activity. Perceiving translation as an activity aimed at interpreting a text for the purpose of understanding it and understanding its role in the general context of world culture, in the system of culture as a hypertext of civilization, I.F. Annensky in many ways shows himself as a teacher, choosing for translation such texts that are not only ‘consonant’ with him, i.e. culturally and aesthetically significant from his point of view, but on the example of the interpretation of which, in the process of ‘teaching’ how to work with each specific text, verbalised by means of translation, he strives to “teach” how to work with it. Linking his research into Annensky’s model of translation activity with the justification that this model can be defined as hermeneutic-synthetic, the author presents various examples of comparative analyses of Annensky’s translated texts and their originals to argue his point of view. In this article, an analysis of Ch. Baudelaire’s poem “The Blind” is given as a new example.

Keywords: poetic translation, I.F. Annensky, hermeneutic model of translation, cultural hypertex, Charles Baudelaire


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