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The perception of Russia as a subject of world processes by Russian and foreign students of faculties of international orientation (the results of associative experi-ment)

T.A. Krotova, O.V. Rumiantseva
UDC 81`24+81`27

Krotova Tatiana A.,

Candidate of Pedagogy,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

The Russian Foreign Ministry


Rumiantseva Olesia V.,

Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

The Russian Foreign Ministry



This article presents the results of the associative experiment conducted to determine the perception of Russia as a subject of world processes by Russian and foreign students of MGIMO-University, Kutafin Moscow State Law University and HSE. The chosen problematic is determined by the importance of adjusting approaches to professional training at faculties of international orientation. The development of multicultural competence, including the ability to build effective communication with representatives of other cultures, is one of the priorities of training a specialist whose future professional activity will be associated with international cooperation. In modern psycholinguistics it is believed that it is difficult to ensure effective intercultural communication if there is no common understanding of the basic categories of the other culture. The search for approaches to the development of multicultural competence conditioned the conduct of associative free experiment as one of the key tools for identifying images of consciousness and analysing their verbalization. As a result of the study, the areas of coincidence and contradictions in the perception of Russia as a subject of world processes by Russian and foreign students were identified. The analysis of the obtained data allows us to state that Russian and foreign students studying at the faculties of international orientation in Russian universities have common, basic perceptions of Russia as a subject of world processes, reflecting an objective picture of international cooperation.

Keywords: Russia, foreign students, intercultural communication, language worldview, associative experiment


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