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G.P. Mel’nikov’s general systems theory as a scientific universal

O.I. Valentinova
UDC 81-11

Valentinova Olga I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the General Linguistics Department

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


The article reveals the universal nature of G.P. Mel’nikov’s systemology. The features of the development of the scientist’s thoughts are analyzed, based on the reflexive methodology as a special type of reasoning that allows one to clarify the initial concepts through the concepts that were derived on their basis. It is concluded that this property of the movement of thought determines the need to track the logic of the formation of the central concept of the theory — the concept of a system, outside of which its content, as a result of reflection, will be inaccessible, since the concepts that form it will remain out of sight, the names of which, homonymous with the well-known, involuntarily provoke illusion understanding. The dialectical nature of the relationship between the concepts of object and environment is emphasized; properties and connections; qualitative and boundary properties of the object; properties and valencies; properties and functions; connections and relationships; external, internal and surrounding conditions; material and substance, essence and measure. The development of G.P. Mel’nikov is discussed. Melnikov fundamental provisions of materialist dialectics, including: proof of the materiality of the properties of the system, its connections, patterns of interaction between systems and between elements of systems; understanding the connection as a movement of exchange between related objects and elements of a deeper level; application of the proposition about the infinity of levels of matter in depth not only to the elements of an object, but also to its connections; development of the concept of boundary property, related to the concepts of spatial form, function, structure, close to the concept of quantity; determination of ways of manifestation of quantitative changes, clarifying the law on the transition of quantitative (boundary) changes into qualitative ones; concretization of the idea of the self-motion of matter in the course of interpreting the properties of systems as the reasons for the presence of intentions and conditions for the emergence of connections between objects.

Keywords: systemology, G.P. Melnikov, materialist dialectics, system


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