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N.R. Erdman and M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita” (1933–1934) (article 1)

E.Yu. Kolysheva
UDC 821.161.1-3

Kolysheva Elena Yu.,

Candidate of Philologу,

Associate Professor of the Methods of Teaching Social and Humanities Sciences Department

Institute of the Humanities

Moscow City University


Bulgakovanie accepted the point of view that the image of the master is ‘alter ego author’, and the creation of the hero’s name is connected with the arrest of O.E. Mandelstam in 1934. Meanwhile, the history of the text of M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” testifies to the connection between the creation of the image of the master in 1933–1934 and the arrest and exile of N.R. Erdman. We demonstrate this position on the basis of textual analysis of Bulgakov’s novel and the study of historical and biographical material. In our work, we rely on the system of editions of the novel that we have established: the first (1928–1930), the second (1932–1936), the third (1936), the fourth (1937), the fifth (last handwritten, 1937–1938), the sixth (final, 1938–1940). When quoting texts of letters, the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved.

Keywords: creative history, history of the text, textual analysis, М.А. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”, N.R. Erdman


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