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Poetics of V.G. Rasputin: Plot and motive features

A.Yu. Bolshakova
UDC 821.161.1-3

Bolshakova Alla Yu.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article is devoted to the study of the most important component in the poetics of the classic of Russian literature, V.G. Rasputin. Attention of the author of the article is focused on the dialectic of a tense plot, usually implicit in Rasputin's narratives, and on key motives as internal driving forces of the plot. A theoretical justification of the categories under consideration has been made. The importance of open endings as a constant reception of the author, as well as the role of the reader in their reconstruction, is considered. The connection of the motivic complex with the general features of Village prose as a literary direction is also revealed. The stated topic is considered in dynamics, based on the material of the entire work of the writer. The author comes to the conclusion that the plot-motive complex of his prose reflects the most difficult turn in the history of the country in the second half of the twentieth century. As a result, it is proved not only the conjugation of poetics and history, but also the conditionality of the writer's artistic evolution by the development of the plot-motive features of his prose.

Keywords: V.G. Rasputin, poetics, history, plot, motive and motive complex, open ending, the role of the reader, artistic evolution



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