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Historical traditions of the Tolkai Erzya: General Mordovian parallels and regional specifics

N.V. Belenov

UDC 811.511.1`28:39
DOI 10.20339/PhS.4-24.023


Belenov Nikolay V.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the

Information and Communication Technologies in Education Department

Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University


SPIN-code: 4471-6087


This article introduces into scientific circulation and analyzes the historical tales of the Erzya-Mordovian population of the Pokhvistnevsky district of the Samara region. The Pokhvistnevsky Erzya constitute a separate ethno-territorial group of the Mordovians of the Samara Volga region, characterized by a common formula of self-identification, unity of traditional and ritual culture and speak closely related dialects of the Erzya-Mordovian language. In general, the formation and internal consolidation of this ethno–territorial group should be attributed to the Trans-Volga stage of its history (since the middle of the 18th century), however, it is known that close ethno-linguistic ties existed between the ancestors of the Pokhvistnevsky Mordovians and earlier — during the period of residence on the territory belonging to the borders of the modern Ulyanovsk and Penza regions. The historical tales of the Pokhvistnevsky Erzya revealed by us in the absolute majority belong to the Trans-Volga stage of their history. Among them, there are a number of folklore plots characteristic of other ethnoterritorial groups of the Erzya and of the Mordovians, and some intersections with the folklore of Slavic and Turkic peoples are also observed. This work is based on the author’s field materials, with the involvement of the song folklore of the Pokhvistnevsky Mordovian, collected by M.I. Chuvashev.

Keywords: historical tales, Erzya-Mordovians, Mordva, Pokhvistnevsky district of the Samara region

  • Research sources

Materialy po istorii Bashkirskoi ASSR. T. IV: Upravlenie Oren-burgskim kraem. Ch. 2. Moscow: AN SSSR, 1956.

Paasonen H. Mordwinische Wörterbuch. Vol. 1–3. Helsinki: Finnisch-Ugrische Gesellschaft, 1990–1996.

Ekspeditsionnye materialy avtora: Samarskaia obl., Pokhvistnevskii r-n, s. Bol’shaia Ega, 2015.

Ekspeditsionnye materialy avtora: Samarskaia obl., Pokhvistnevskii r-n, s. Krasnye Kliuchi, 2019.

Ekspeditsionnye materialy avtora: Samarskaia obl., Pokhvistnevskii r-n, s. Malyi Tolkai, 2019.

Ekspeditsionnye materialy avtora: Samarskaia obl., Pokhvistnevskii r-n, s. Bol’shoi Tolkai, 2019.

Ekspeditsionnye materialy avtora: Samarskaia obl., Kinel’-Cherkasskii r-n, s. Erzovka, 2019.

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