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“The great Turgenev days” in Petrograd (1918): According to the pages of periodi-cals

S.A. Ipatova

UDC 81-11
DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.147


Ipatova Svetlana A.,
Scientific Researcher
Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The material provides an overview of forgotten and little-known publications of Petrograd periodicals, covering the anniversary events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of I.S. Turgenev (November 10, 1918), — the daily newspaper “Life of Art” and the magazine “Biryuch”. The “Turgenev Days” became a mass cultural project of the Soviet government, which sought to consolidate a new ideology, finding support in the canonical cultural patterns of past era. For several weeks in Petrograd numerous commemorative events were held in memory of the writer. The appeal to the name and authority of Turgenev was caused primarily by the anti-serf orientation of his work. The writer’s ideological reputation was highlighted by a masterful and truthful depiction of peasant Russia, an artistic embodiment of the spiritual nature of the Russian people. The first anniversary of the creator “Notes of a Hunter” marked the inclusion of the writer in the pantheon of recognized writers of the past era, “fighters against autocracy and serfdom” for the freedom of the “enslaved people” and for a long time determined the basic vector of the development of Turgenev studies.

Keywords: political strategies, Turgenev, ideological reputation, anniversary actions, review of Petrograd periodicals


1.       Turgenevskii den’ v Omske // Vestnik Vremennogo Vserossiiskogo pravitel’stva. 1918. 12 noiabria (No. 6). S. 3.

2.       Ipatova S.A. Pervyi iubilei Turgeneva v ideologicheskikh paradigmakh: rech’ N.V. Chaikovskogo o pisatele (1918) // Turgenevskii ezhegodnik 2021 goda / sost. i red. L.A. Balykova, L.V. Dmitriukhina. Orel, 2022. S. 196‒210.

3.       Friche V.M. V poiskakh novoi krasoty // Tvorchestvo. 1918. No. 2. S. 5‒6.

4.       Friche V.M. I.S. Turgenev i revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie // Tvorchestvo. 1918. No. 8. S. 1‒3.

5.       N. K. Turgenev i my: (k 40-letiiu so dnia ego smerti) // Sibirskie ogni. 1923. No. 5–6. S. 241‒245.

6.       Urvantsev N.N. V Turgenevskie dni // Biriuch. 1918. 9–15 noiabria (No. 2). S. 37.

7.       Ipatova S.A. V Turgenevskie dni 1918 goda: (po stranitsam zhurnala “Biriuch”) // I.S. Turgenev i russkii mir: materialy Mezhdunar. konf. k 200-letiiu pisatelia, 29–31 oktiabria 2018 g. / otv. red. N.P. Generalova, V.A. Lukina. Moscow, 2018. S. 50‒53.

8.       I. R-berg (Rozenberg I.S.). Turgenevskie dni: (chem oznamenovano stoletie so dnia rozhdeniia I.S. Turgeneva) // Biriuch. 1918. 16−22 dekabria (No. 7). S. 49–52.

9.       Poliakov A. Rech’ na torzhestvennom zasedanii v pamiat’ stoletiia rozhdeniia I.S. Turgeneva … // Biriuch. 1919. Fevral’ (No. 13–14). S. 173‒177.

10.     N. (Noskov N.). Turgenevskii vecher // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1918. 15 noiabria (No. 14). S. 3.

11.     Turgenevskii vecher // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1918. 16 noiabria (No. 15). S. 4.

12.     Pereselenkov S.A. [Retsenzia] // Biriuch. 1919. Mart (No. 15−16). S. 238–240. Rets. na kn.: Turgenev i Savina <Pis’ma, vospominaniia>. Petrograd, 1918.

13.     Literaturnye i knizhnye novosti // Biriuch. 1919. Mai (No. 19–20). S. 366.

14.     Po muzeiam i nauchnym obshchestvam // Biriuch. 1919. Sb. 1. Iiul’ — avgust. S. 161‒162.

15.     Brodsky N. Iubileinaia literatura ob I.S. Turgeneve // Nauchnye izvestiia. Sb. 2: Filosofiia. Literatura. Iskusstvo. Moscow, [1922]. S. 195‒221.

16.     R. (Rozenberg I.). Turgenevskaia vystavka i teatr // Biriuch. 1919. 23−31 ianvaria (No. 11–12). S. 123‒124.

17.     Fomin A.G. S.A. Vengerov kak organizator i pervyi direktor Rossiiskoi knizhnoi palaty (nyne Instituta knigovedeniia): k piatiletiiu so dnia smerti. Leningrad, 1925.

18.     Vengerov S.A. Russkaia literatura v ee sovremennykh predstaviteliakh: Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: kritiko-biograficheskie etiudy Semena Vengerova. Ch. 1–2. St. Petersburg, 1875.

19.     R. (Rozenberg I.). Chetyre vstrechi s I.S. Turgenevym: (beseda s professorom S.A. Vengerovym) // Biriuch. 1918. 9‒15 noiabria (No. 2). S. 42‒45.

20.     Khronika // Biriuch. 1918. 1–8 noiabria (No. 1). S. 43.

21.     Noskov N. Vtoraia Turgenevskaia vystavka // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1919. 3 ianvaria (No. 52). S. 2.

22.     Literaturnye novosti // Biriuch. 1918. 16–30 noiabria (No. 3). C. 55.

23.     [Ob”iavlenie ob otkrytii vystavki] // Biriuch. 1918. 16‒22 dekabria (No. 7). S. 70.

24.     Turgenevskaia vystavka // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1918. 17 dekabria (No. 39). S. 1.

25.     Khronika knigi // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1918. 24 dekabria (No. 44). S. 3.

26.     N. N-v (Noskov N.). Na Turgenevskoi vystavke // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1918. 27 dekabria (No. 47). S. 2.

27.     Literaturnaia khronika // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1919. 16 ianvaria (No. 60). S. 3.

28.     IRLI. F. 377 (arkh. S.A. Vengerova). Op. 3. No. 835.

29.     Literaturnyi muzei IRLI. И 69319.

30.     RGALI. F. 238. Op. 1. No. 504.