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“Averkiev is almost the most accurate of all...”: Intercultural interaction on the pages of “Novoye Vremya”

M.V. Patrikeeva

UDC 821.111=161.1:81`25



Patrikeeva Mariya V.,

Candidate of Philology,

Scientific Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article analyzes the curious plot of intercultural interaction on the pages of the newspaper “Novoye Vremya” by A.S. Suvorin, associated with the name of D.V. Averkiev. It is hypothesized that the approach to the selection of works for translation and Averkiev’s translation strategy itself are determined by his cultural temperament, the desire to introduce the Russian public to the best works of world literature, as well as Suvorin’s publishing tactics, supported on the pages of his newspaper. The significance of “Hamlet” for Russian culture of the late 19th — early 20th century and the presentation of this play on the pages of the newspaper “Novoye Vremya” are analyzed. The comparison of competing translations of “Hamlet” of by Averkiev and P.P. Gnedich, who collaborated with the publishing house of Suvorin, is carried out. The reasons for the preference for the translation made by Gnedich for theatrical productions and the rejection of Averkiev’s version, despite its recognized advantages, are clarified. Among these reasons are the linguistic and stylistic complexity of Averkiev’s translation and the unpreparedness of the Russian public to perceive such material. It is proved that Averkiev’s highly accurate translation of “Hamlet” has served as a starting point for the creation of further translations of Shakespeare with the focus on preserving the original senses of the plays and the author’s style of the English playwright.

Keywords: “Novoye Vremya”, A.S. Suvorin, D.V. Averkiev, “Hamlet”, Shakespeare, kulturtraeger, translation, intercultural interaction.



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