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Naming problems from the perspective of potential proper names

T.V. Fedotova

UDC 811.161.1`27

DOI  10.20339/PhS.1-24.003                      


Fedotova Tatyana V.,

Doctor of Philology, Docent,

Professor of the Russian and Speech Communication Department

Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin



The article discusses the main problems that the nominee has in the naming process. The main attitude is that future specialists, creating their name, primarily seek to express their own perception of onim without thinking about the consumer. The study is based on an analysis of hypothetical (potential) proper names (names) obtained as a result of a questionnaire of future lawyers. Using the example of collected names, it was possible to identify and describe the main errors made by nominees when creating the names of their own enterprises. It has been proven that in addition to originality, transparency of the name in terms of field of activity, memorability, the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance is the main cognitive mechanism for creating exotic names. The analysis of the collected onyms made it possible to identify several directions focused on the relationship between the cognitive-mental characteristics of the nominee and the recipient’s reflection. The following processes were attributed to such areas: standard onimization; word-forming creativity; case studies; foreign language creative naming. As a conclusion, we can state that future lawyers, like many nominees of existing organizations, are not only unfamiliar with the naming criteria, but also explicate absolute indifference towards customers and the consumer. The main violations of naming include: lack of communicative targeting; indifference to the consumer; creating names with fuzzy semantics (abbreviations, foreign-language words), as well as the use of precedent onyms that lead to the creation of cognitive dissonance in the chipper; impaired associative capabilities of onym. The result of the study is the conclusion that the study of the basic requirements and criteria for naming is the implementation of an integrated approach in the study of not only the creative capabilities of linguistics, but also the cultural-specific values of Russia.

Keywords: naming, communication, proper name, cognitive dissonance, precedent, nominee, recipient, reflection.



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