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The representation of the concept ‘angel’ in the novels of F.M. Dostoevsky

T.Yu. Nikitina

УДК 811.161.1`42:82-31

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.073 


Nikitina Tatyana Yu.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the Philological Education Department

Tyumen State University

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6655-6237



The paper analyzes the representation of the concept ‘angel’ in the novels of F.M. Dostoevsky. The content of the concept ‘angel’, which is an important component of Dostoevsky’s conceptosphere, is also described. Universal content of the concept ‘angel’ in Dostoevsky’s works is represented in the context of philosophical problems of his works, which are expressed in the foundation of the human’s contradictory spiritual choice in the situation of chaos; in the necessity of a personal path to the divine truth and meaning of existence. Especially noted the inconsistency of human perception of the concept ‘angel’, which combines an exalted adoration of the deity with a desire to destroy it. The concept of ‘angel’ in Dostoevsky’s interpretation has universal features descending from the biblical interpretation of the image, but it is also included in the philosophical issues outlined. ‘Angel’ appears both in its absolute, universal meaning and also as the embodiment of human reflection — as an internally contradictory narrative, a message about the simultaneous greatness and falling of man. The intrinsic conflict of the conceptual content of the ‘angelic’ manifests through both profane and noble perception and usage of it by the protagonists. However, there is no conflict in the true destiny of the hero, who realizes the mission of an angel in the world. The concept passes from the verbal level to the event level, and at this level it loses its inner conflict and is embodied in the basic meaning of the concept of angel, losing its subjectivity and contradictory human interpretations.

Keywords: concept ‘angel’, Dostoevsky.



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