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About a premonition of the writer’s fate. The story of S.D. Dovlatov “Fate”

V.D. Seraphimova

UDC 82-94


Vera D. Serafimova,

Candidate of Philology, Professor

Department of Russian Literature & Journalism of XX–XXI centuries

Moscow State Pedagogical University



Purpose of the article: To introduce the insufficiently researched materials of the collection “Little-known Dovlatov”, the memories of writers about him: Alexander Genis, Pyotr Weil, the correspondence of S. Dovlatov to his friends — letters to Lyudmila Stern. Dovlatov’s correspondence to his friends — letters to Lyudmila Stern. The author studies the typological similarities in the dominant ideas, poetics, language with the classic of the 20th century Russian literature A.P. Platonov.

Keywords: Ufa, evacuation, Sergey Dovlatov, Andrey Platonov, Alexander Genis, Pyotr Weil, the story “Fate”, Lyudmila Stern.




  1. Maloizvestnyi Dovlatov: sb. St. Petersburg: AOZT “Zhurnal ʻZvezdaʼ”, 1997. 512 s.
  2. Dovlatov S. Sobranie prozy: v 3 t. St. Petersburg: Limbus-press, 1995.
  3. Andrei Platonovich Platonov: zhizn’ i tvorchestvo: biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’ proizvedenii Platonova, opublikovannyh v 1918 — ianvare 1920 g. / sost.-red. V.P. Zaraiskaia, nauch. konsul’tant N.V. Kornienko. Moscow: Pashkov dom, 2001. 340 s.

4.         Platonov A.P. Sobranie sochinenii: v 3 t. / sost. i primech. V.A. Chalmaeva. Moscow: Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1985.

5.         Dovlatov S.D. Pis’ma k Liudmile Shtern // Maloizvestnyi Dovlatov: sbornik. St. Petersburg: AOZT “Zhurnal ʻZvezdaʼ”, 1997. S. 294.

6.         Platonov A.P. Zapisnye knizhki: materialy k biografii. 2-e izd. / publ. M.A. Platonovoi; sost. N.V. Kornienko. Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2006. 424 s.

7.         Genis A. “Na urovne prostoty” // Maloizvestnyi Dovlatov: sbornik. St. Petersburg: AOZT “Zhurnal ʻZvezdaʼ”, 1997. S. 465–473.

8.         Weil P. Bez Dovlatova // Maloizvestnyi Dovlatov: sbornik. St. Petersburg: AOZT “Zhurnal ʻZvezdaʼ”, 1997. S. 451–454.

9.         Serafimova V.D. A. Platonov i filosofsko-esteticheskie iskaniia russkoi literatury 2-i poloviny XX veka (V. Shukshin. V. Rasputin, L. Borodin): monografiia. Moscow: Prometei, 2006. 388 s.