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Vostokov’s lyrics: Cultural traditions and idiostyle features

N.V. Patroeva

UDC 821.161.1+81`37


Patroeva Natalja V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Russian Language Department

Institute of Philology

Petrozavodsk State University



The dynamics of the individual poetic and the ethnic and linguistic picture of the world reflected by it, on the example of the work of outstanding representatives of the culture and literature of a particular people, allows us to come to important conclusions regarding the history of the national semiosphere and conceptosphere. The themes and motifs of the poetry of A.Kh. Vostokov, the origins of the European cultural tradition underlying it (primarily the German Enlightenment and neoclassicism) have not yet become the subject of a special comprehensive consideration, including in the aspect of the evolution of the lyrical conceptualization of the world, frequency, semantics and syntagmatics key lexemes — the dominant idiostyle, literary direction and — more broadly — the method. The article specifically analyzes the activity, tradition of use and metaphorical meanings of the lexeme temple on the material of the poetic works of the famous comparativist, historian of Slavic languages, one of the reformers of Russian metrics Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov, and also in comparative terms against the background of a wider time perspective, previous and subsequent stages in the development of Russian poetry of the 18 — early 19th centuries. The lexeme temple demonstrates maximum activity in classic and sentimentalist poetry, later, from the 1820s, significantly inferior in frequency to the previous values. Poets involve the word temple in the process of trope formation, striving to expand the usual syntagmatics, especially in the field of metaphors. When developing the temple motif, A.Kh. Vostokov, whose lyrics combine the features of classicism and sentimentalism, actualizes sacred meanings, combines mythological and biblical allusions, including using Masonic symbolism. Keywords: image of the temple, metaphor, rhyme, language disputes between archaists and innovators, poetic tradition, language and style of A.Kh. Vostokov.

Keywords: image of the temple, metaphor, rhyme, language disputes of archaists and innovators, poetic tradition, language and style of A.Kh. Vostokov.



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