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Literary literature in Russian provincial journalism of the early 20th century

Yu.B. Orlitskiy

UDC 82.161.1-92:821.161.1                         


Orlitskiy Yuri B.,

Doctor of Philology,

Leading Scientific Researcher

Institute of Philology and History

Russian State University for the Humanities



This article examines the range of real forms and genres of Russian journalism in the early 20th century, in one way or another related to literature, using newspapers from Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir and Yaroslavl provinces as a case study; Nizhny Novgorod Leaf of 1912–1913 was chosen as the main study material. The study showed the importance of the literary component of the repertoire of a provincial newspaper, the variety of forms of presence of literature, both modern and classical, on the newspaper page. Literature itself is represented in the repertoire by poems, prose miniatures, and stories, often printed with a continuation. Humorous and satirical texts, literary parodies occupy an important place in the newspaper. The main object of critical reflection and parody in 1913 became I. Severyanin and other ego-futurists. Besides, the Leaflet regularly publishes critical and biographical articles, reviews, obituaries, retellings of book market novelties, publications of previously unknown works and memoirs, memoirs, reports on events of literary life. The main heroes of the newspaper of 1912–1913 are Turgenev, Nadson, L. Tolstoy, Gorky (as a famous countryman), Balmont. The main informational occasion for the appearance of literary materials in the newspaper are anniversaries or the publication of interesting books or publications. A significant part of literary publications are reprints from publications in the capital. The newspaper also pays a certain amount of attention to foreign literature, first of all, modern literature; O. Wilde, A. Strindberg, H. Hauptmann, and A. Frans. Particular attention is paid to the prose miniature (poem in prose), a specific newspaper genre characteristic of early twentieth-century periodicals. The large number of articles on literary themes testifies to the general literary centrism of early twentieth-century Russian culture.

Keywords: fiction, newspaper, genre, parody, prose miniature, literary centrism.



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