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“Little feuilletons” of the metropolitan writer: About some publications of A.S. Bukhov in the regional press of Russia in 1910s: newspaper “The Voice of Siberia”

M.A. Frolov

UDC 82.161.1-92                       

Frolov Maxim A.,

Candidate of Philology,

Senior Scientific Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article is devoted to the stories, feuilletons, essays and poems of A.S. Bukhov, which revealed in the process of frontal viewing of the set of the newspaper “The Voice of Siberia”, published in Irkutsk in 1910–1913, which have not been presented and taken into account until now in publications or in bibliographic works. The writer’s cooperation with the newspaper “The Voice of Siberia” was short — a little more than three months — from December 25, 1911 to March 25, 1912. During this time 12 texts of Bukhov appeared on the pages of the newspaper, most of which were published in the rubric “Little feuilleton”. The writer’s texts are not reprints from the capital’s publications, of which Bukhov was a regular employee, but independent publications — documentary evidence of the author’s cooperation with a regional publication. It should be noted that in addition to the characteristic features of the author’s style and manner of narration, as well as the favorite typically writer’s techniques, they show an extensive genre, stylistic and thematic range. Working with regional publications of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, allows, firstly, to increase the corpus of the texts of the studied writer known to us and introduced into the reader’s and research circulation, and, secondly, to significantly supplement our understanding of his creative evolution.

Keywords: A.S. Bukhov, “The Voice of Siberia”, feuilletons, short stories, essays, poems, themes, plots.



1. Antologiia satiry i iumora Rossii XX veka. T. 40: Arkadii Bukhov / sost. S.S. Nikonenko, Yu.N. Kushak; predisl. S.S. Nikonenko. Moscow: Eksmo, 2005. 672 s.

2. Bukhov A. Litovskoe semiletie: ocherki, rasskazy, fel’etony / vstup. st. V. Agafonovoi; sost. E. Bakhmet’eva. Vilnius: Žaltvykslė, 2006. 194 s.

3. Kiianskaya O.I., Feldman D.M. Iz materialov ugolovnogo dela Arkadiia Bukhova 1937 goda // Ocherki istorii sovetskoi literatury i zhurnalistiki 1920–1930-kh godov: portrety i skandaly. Moscow: Forum, 2015. S. 341–446.

4. Nikitin E.N. “…On byl smeshnee Averchenko i Teffi”: (A.S. Bukhov: bibliografiia) // Bibliografiia: nauchnyi zhurnal. 2014. No. 3. S. 152–159.

5. Nikitin E.N. “…On byl smeshnee Averchenko i Teffi” // Bibliografiia: nauchnyi zhurnal. 2014. No. 4. S. 142–158. Prodolzhenie. Nachalo: No. 3, 2014.

6. Nikitin E.N. “…On byl smeshnee Averchenko i Teffi” // Bibliografiia: nauchnyi zhurnal. 2014. No. 5. S. 154–158. Okonchanie. Nachalo: No. 3–4, 2014.

7. Golos Sibiri. 1912. 14 ianvaria (No. 304).

8. Golos Sibiri. 1911. 25 dekabria (No. 290).

9. Golos Sibiri. 1912. 13 ianvaria (No. 303).

10. Golos Sibiri. 1912. 22 ianvaria (No. 311).

11. Golos Sibiri. 1912. 28 ianvaria (No. 316).

12. Golos Sibiri. 1912. 4 marta (No. 346).

13. Golos Sibiri. 1912. 25 marta (No. 364).