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Intertexts of the Novel “The Altai Novella” by Askar Altai

B. Joldasbekova, Zh. Bayanbayeva

UDC 821.512.122        


Joldasbekova B.,

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the

Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

(Almaty, Kazakhstan)



Bayanbayeva Zh.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Philology and World Literature Department

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)



Intertexts of the novel “The Altai Novella” by Askar Altai are considered at the formal and content levels. An attempt has been made to define the intertextual field of the novel through an appeal to a wide context of myths, to the interpretation of them in the works of Kazakh, Russian and Western European writers. It has been analyzed the images of the main characters of the novel: Bulabike and the young hunter Ular as mythological heroes. Also it is given an interpretation of the image of bear Aikonyr through the comparison with the Lermontov’s demon, аt the article is considered intertextual connection of novel’s plot by A. Altai and by P. Merimee “Lokis”.

Keywords: intertext, intertextual context, mythological hero, novel-myth, neomifological novel.



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