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R. Bukharaev’s poem “Day of the Dead”: Ways of self-identification of a Lyrical Subject

V.R. Amineva

UDC 821.111(73)        


Amineva Venera R.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian and Foreign Literature Department 

Kazan Federal University;

Lead Researcher of the Literatures of the Peoples of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States Department 

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The Russian-language creative works of “foreign” authors is studied in the context of a transcultural model of artistic development in modern literary studies. Literary postcolonial discourse is focused on the character research, which is based on the boundaries of homogeneous cultures, and the principles of its representation in the literature. The subject architectonics of R. Bukharaev’s poem “Day of the Dead” is analyzed in the aspect of the problem of identity and self-identification of the lyrical subject for the first time in this article. The dynamics of the subject- figurative structures corresponding to different stages of the hero’s spiritual ascent is educed: from the problematization of identity and separation from the “I” of its substitutes to the way out of the painful bogdom and finding true self. The ways of self-determination of the lyrical hero, who is in dialogic relations both with his counterparts and with super-subjects of a special type — history, country and nature are determined. It has been established that historical and literary allusions and reminiscences from the works of world literature perform an identifying function. They educe a universal and panhuman source in the attitude and mental structure of an ordinary person. The author highlights the phenomenon of a cultural interference that occurs as a result of the overlapping of different codes and national-artistic traditions on which the Russian-speaking poet focuses on. The results of the study are significant for understanding the artistic and aesthetic nature of literature, which implements the phenomenon of the cultural borderlands.

Keywords: Russian-language literature, cultural borderlands, identity, tradition, subjective architectonics, dialogue, interference.




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