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The interaction of closely related languages in modern journalism as a way to increase the expressiveness of a communicative-speech work

I.P. Zaitseva, S.V. Nicolayenko

UDC 81`2=161.1=161.2=161.3


Zaitseva Irina P.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the World Languages Department  

Masherov Vitebsk State University (Republic of Belarus)



Nicolayenko Sergey V.,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the General and

Russian Linguistics Department Masherov Vitebsk State University (Republic of Belarus)



The article analyzes the method of including elements of closely related languages (Ukrainian and Belarusian) in the modern journalistic text in Russian based on a number of popular periodicals in Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus (Ukrainian weekly “2000” and the regional newspaper “Vitebskie Vesti”), which is one of the manifestations of language interaction in conditions of closely related bilingualism. The main types of appeal to this technique by authors-journalists are identified and systematized: introduction of individual words, expressions (including those of a stable nature), fragments of other texts of a closely related language, as well as options for their author’s presentation (design by means of the source language or Russian). The functional significance of the implemented technique is analyzed, which, as the observations show, is primarily used to Supplement the text with figurative and concretizing elements and increase its expressiveness, which contributes to a more effective implementation in a journalistic work as an influencing function (first of all), and as an informative function. In addition, this technique, which is obviously focused on the perception of the bilingual reader, actualizes the socio-cultural context common to the author of the work and its addressee, helps to establish closer contact between them, and also expands the journalist’s opportunities to express their own position by individual stylistic means.

Keywords: socio-cultural context, language situation, closely related bilingualism, journalistic style, expressiveness, stylistic tonality, addressee-bilingual.



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