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The phenomenon of the Russian epic novel

V.G. Andreeva

UDC 821.161.1-3 


Andreeva Valeria G.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher

А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature

of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Professor of the Domestic Рhilology Department

Kostroma State University



The article is devoted to the phenomenon of an epic novel, a unique genre phenomenon that arose in Russian literature of the 19th century. While the West European novel lost its national breadth and depth, the Russian novel was able to maintain an epic dominance, revived many of the signs and characteristics of ancient epics based on the material of modern life. The basis for the revival of an epic novel based on Russian soil was: the nature of Russian realism, a special understanding by Russian writers of man and his role, as well as religious consciousness and collegiality. The author of the article discusses the meanings of the definition of “epic”, the concept of “epic”, shows the need for their rapprochement based on the disclosure of the features of the epic novel. The article analyzes the views of literary scholars of the 20th century, which came close to the need to highlight such a dominant form of the Russian novel of the second half of the 19th century, but due to ideological and political trends did not determine the most important foundations of the epic novel. The work outlines the need to study the totality of the artistic world of the epic novel, the special objectivity of Russian writers, which allowed them to come to global and universal problems. The phenomenon of the epic novel is largely due to the precedent picture of the world, the conscious choice of a character between personal, selfish and popular principles in favor of the latter.

Keywords: epic novel, epic, realism, objectivity, precedent picture of the world, collegiality, national identity.



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The reported study was funded by RFBR (project № 20-012-00102).