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The first memorial occasion in the Soviet Writer’s Central Club to commemorate A. Platonov

O.U. Аleinikov


Aleinikov Oleg Yu.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of the Russian Literature XX and XXI Centuries,

Theory of Literature and Humanities Department

Voronezh State University



The article introduces materials after memorial occasion to honour “A. Platonov — the master of prose”. The stenogram of this event held in the Soviet writers’ central club on 27 April 1962 became available after the foundation of O.G. Lasunskiy’s personal collection in the Voronezh region state archive. The unknown document and accompanying handwriting analyzed in this paper contain valuable facts for the analysis of Platonov’s writing reception at the turn of 1950–1960. The article reveals the reasons and the specificity of the reports delivered at the meeting as well as their value for rehabilitation of the author of “the cronicle of the pauperise” “Vproc” from his opponents’ “groundless accusations” (V.P. Dorofeev) and the importance of the writer’s literary heritage.

Keywords: A. Platonov, literary heritage, memorial occasion, reception.



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