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Interactive novel as a new type of modern electronic literature (on the novel by B. Akunin “Sulazhin”)

M.A. Chernyak, O. Peshkova


Chernyak Maria A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

of the Russian Literature Department

Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University


Peshkova Olga A.,

PhD student of the Russian Literature Department

Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University 



The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of digital technologies on the modern literary process, which caused the formation of new trends in Russian literature. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors that led to the formation of a new type of electronic literature, as well as literary analysis of the interactive novel. As we know, the modern technologies imply new opportunities for modern authors and readers. At the moment it is possible to talk about formation of a new type of literature, created and implemented exclusively on a digital medium, having several variants of plot development, which is considered on the example of Boris Akunin’s book-game “Sulazhin”. The Akunin’s novel is a literary work created across book-game canons, where the literary text consists of a certain number of variably readable fragments. “Sulazhin” is an experimental project, with no analogues at the moment, combining the features of an electronic novel and psychological test. Based on the analysis of the material, there is a conclusion that modern literature in the future will develop mainly in the electronic direction, focusing on mobile applications and smartphones. The formation of a new type of online interactive novel is a confirmation of this.

Keywords: author, interactive literature, book-game, writer, electronic literature, text, reader.



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