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Artyom Vesyoly’s “Barefoot truth” and Boris Guber’s “Smithereens” in the context of the fading of revolutionary feelings

A. Ovcharenko


Ovcharenko Alexey Yu.,

Doctor in Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

of the Institute of Law

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article deals with the creative dialogue of the stories “Barefoot truth” by Artyom Vesyoly and “Smithereens” by Boris Guber. The historical and literary background of publications, creative biographies of writers, features of the plot and style of stories is analyzed, determines their role in the literary process of the late 1920s.The article analyzes the relationship between the personal and creative biographies of B. Guber and A. Vesyoly, defines the nature of the participation of both writers in the Commonwealth “Pereval”, the features of the socio-political situation that led to the emergence of the phenomenon of “fading” of revolutionary feelings and the emergence of “superfluous” people of the revolution, defines “fading”, and describes its influence on the formation of the literary position of writers. Chronologically examines the key events of the historical-literary process of the late 1920s, investigate the background of the publications, examines the creative dialogue of stories of “Barefoot truth” and “Fragments”, gives a general comparative characteristic of features of the plot and style of stories is determined by their role in the literary process of the late 1920s.

Keywords: Artyom Vesyoly, Boris Guber, the literary process of the 1920s–1930s, the “fading” of revolutionary feelings, the “superfluous” people of the revolution.



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