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“Songs and tears” in the story of A. Vesyoly “Outlaws”: the image of “simple revolution”

I.S. Uryupin


Uryupin Igor S.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

of the Russian Literature of the 20–21st Centuries Department

of the Institute of Philology,

Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the  Institute of Philology

Moscow Pedagogical State University



In article in a wide historical and literary context the story by A. Vesyoly “Outlaws” is considered, his figurative system, motive structure, genre potential is analyzed. “LEF” published for the first time in the magazine in 1924 the story “Outlaws” one year was included later into the third number of the collection “Pass” as which editor together with A. Kosterin and M. Svetlov A. Vesyoly acted. This option became the head’s basis “The feasting winners” of the novel “Russia, Blood Washed”. It is established that at insignificant text divergences “lefovsky” and “perevalovsky” editions of the story differ in arrangement of accents in the motive and thematic score of the work: in “The magazine of the Left front of arts” the story was preceded by a subtitle “Holiday” and the main attention focused on the “festive” atmosphere of a revolutionary bacchanalia, is spontaneous — orgiastic essence of revolution in the spirit of the “left” vanguard esthetics of V.V. Mayakovsky; in the “perevalovsky” version of the story at preservation of its ornamental form the special value was allocated for “realistic” contents, national understanding of revolution as the embodiments of an immemorial dream of the will/outlaws implanted in national consciousness since the time of Stepan Razin and Yemelyan Pugachev about rebelliousness of the Russian people, his expectations, the “pleasures and griefs” shown in it “songs and tears” revealed.

Keywords: A. Vesely, “Outlaws”, Russian revolution, “Pass”, “LEF”, archetype of the Russian riot, “Russia, blood washed”, ornamentalism.



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