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The problem of modal status in Gogol’s writings

M. Weisskopf


Weiskopf Mikhail,

Doctor of Philosophy

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)



The academic essays deals with the relationship of being and non-being in Gogol’s works, or rather, the sophisticated technique by which one flows into another while acquiring some of its features. Among other things, it is shown how Gogol’s inverse or fictitious time is likewise intertwined with linear time, and how impressively that affects his prophetic didactics. The author demonstrates the connection of Gogol’s modal problems and psychology with his religious values — first of all, with the writer’s Gnostic pneumatology.

Keywords: “Dead souls”, “Nose”, time, modality, non-existence, fiction.


Citation: the problem of modal status in Gogol’s prose


  1. Bitsilli P.M. Izbrannye stat’i po russkoi filologii. Moscow, 1996.
  2. Weiskopf M. Siuzhet Gogolia: Morfologiia. Ideologogiia. Kontekst. Izd. 2-e, rassh. Moscow, 2002. S. 487–489, 535.
  3. Weiskopf M. Vremia i vechnos’ v poetike Gogolia // Gogolevskii sbornik. St. Petersburg, 1994. S. 3–19.
  4. Lotman Iu.M. Izbrannye stat’i. T. 1. Tallinn, 1992. S. 420–421.
  5. Chizhevskii Dm. O “Shineli” Gogolia // Sovremennye zapiski. 1938. T. LXVII. C. 189–190.
  6. Tschizewsky D. Skovoroda — Gogol // Die Welt der Slaven. 1968. H 1. S. 322–323.
  7. Miller O. Slavianstvo i Evropa. Moscow, 2012. S. 734, 742.