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Deviation as a dominant feature of the сhapter “The last one” (N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who in Russia lives well”)

O.V. Bogdanova, S. Nekrasov


Bogdanova Olga V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Leading Researcher of the Research Institute of Educational

Regional Studies

Russian State Pedagogical University


Nekrasov Sergey M.,

Doctor of Culturology, Professor,

Director of the Аll-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin

(branch – the Nekrasov Apartment Museum)



The article deals with the dominant features of the Chapter “The last One” from the poem by N. Nekrasov “To whom in Russia to live well” and found that the Chapter “from the second part” has a distant relationship to the main question, made by the poet in the title position. The observations presented in the article lead to the conclusion that the Chapter “The last One” was created by the artist “on occasion” and did not contribute to the compositional integrity of the poem “To whom in Russia...”. Transformed the nature of narrative strategies, departed on the second plan images of peasants-pilgrims, “duplicate” type landowner-nobles, the change in the emotive intent of the text, satirical-comical tone of the narrative, redifferentiate ideological installations, etc. are forced to speak about the actualization of the deviational background that displays “chapter” outside of the poem, and indicate its foreignness “of the epic people’s lives”.

Keywords: Russian literature of the nineteenth century, Nikolai Nekrasov, poem “To who in Russia to live well”, the chapter “The last One”, deviation.



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