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The role of Turkish linguistic society in the formation of Modern Turkish

Genish Eyup, K. Furat, I. Batanova


Genis Eyup,

Candidate of Historу, Professor

of the Oriental Languages Department

Moscow State University of Economics and Humanities


Furat Kamil,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of the Oriental Languages Department

Moscow State University of Economics and Humanities


Batanova Ilsiyar A.,

Senior Teacher of the Oriental Languages Department

Moscow State University of Economics and Humanities



Abstract: The Turkish Linguistic Society, formed on July 12, 1932, known for thousands of publications and a rich research library. It is the most respected scientific organization of the Republic of Turkey, whose work still goes on. After the founding of the Republic of Turkey (1923) in the 30s the process of substitution of foreign adoptions to original Turkish words has begun. This process goes on today, although in Turkish you can still find words of Persian-Arabian origin along with their synonyms constructed from Turkic roots. In the 1930s the extrusion of big part of Arab-Persian borrowings and their replacement with original Turkic words had been already occurred and it was the result of an active language policy. The Turkish Linguistic Society has done a great job in the history of its existence to cleanse and develop the Turkish language. The first president of the republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, played a significant role in the creation and work of the Society. The Turkish Linguistic Society is an organization that carries out its activities with the aim of researching, developing and enriching the Turkish language. It carries out important scientific work in this direction.

Keywords: Turkish linguistic language, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, reform of language, Turkish language, The Sun language theory.



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