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The word in the context and in the field of functioning (based on Russian and Armenian political vocabulary)

V.V. Madoyan, S.Z. Sheyranyan


Madoyan Vagarshak V.,

Doctor of Philologу, Professor,

Head of the Languages Department

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

(Yerevan, Republic of Armenia)


Sheyranyan Sergey Z.,

Candidate of Pedagogу, Аssociate Professoof the Languages Department 

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

(Yerevan, Republic of Armenia)



The concept of “functional meaning” of the word is distinguished in the work, which is associated by the authors with the sphere of use, in which words can not only change, but also lose meaning in general. This situation is especially noticeable in political propaganda, which pursues its specific goals, not related to the real problems of the country and society. The functional content allows to enhance the impact on the masses, as it creates the conditions to give out what is desired for reality. The considered factor requires thorough study, since it has a significant impact on society.

Keywords: semantics, sphere of functioning, functional semantics, political propaganda, political vocabulary.



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2. Madoian V.V. Znachenie i mysl’ v statike i dinamike dvukh iazykov. Moscow: RAN, 2016.

3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Iu. Slovar’ russkogo iazyka. Moscow: Azbukovnik, 2005.

4. Pravda. 1986. 01.07. No. 82 (24804).

5. Pravda. 27.04. No. 208 (24830).

6. Pravda. 1990. 10.10. No. 82 (24904).

7. Pravda. 1990. 12.10. No. 283 (24905).

8. Internet-resurs. ABBYY Lingvo.