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Conceptual base “love” in the names of the mythological characters: lingvocultural traditions of the East Slavonic paganism and the vaishnavism

E.A. Fedina


Fedina Ekaterina A.,

Master’s Degree Student of the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences

Kant Baltic Federal University



The aim of this article is to find out the cultural peculiarities of appeals to the “love” concept while naming some gods in the East in the East Slavonic paganism and in the Vaishnavism tradition. The theory and methodology of the study presented in the article base on the core statement of modern lingvoculturology according to which analysis of the motivating foundations of the words and word combinations allows to cross the lines of the language to the area of the cultural views of the people. It’s shown that some sporadic god names motivated by “love” concept are noted at the Eastern Slavs and this love is erotic. At the same time in the Vaishnavism tradition, such names — male and female — are presented in great amount. In fact, the list of such names is open. In general, the author comes to the conclusion that Vaishnavic world view is mach more erotic in comparison with the East Slavonic one. Besides, it is important that such love at Vaishnavs belongs to the area of sacral. In the East Slavonic paganism, the erotic motives are presented much weaker and love is considered in the profane aspect as a psychological feeling connecting simple people.

Keywords: Russian language, Sanskrit, concept, language motivation, personal name, Hinduism, Slavonic paganism, sacral, profane, Eros.




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