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The problem of ethical ideal in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”: social aspect in its literary and artistic continuity

A.Yu. Fomin


Fomin Andrey Yu.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language, Literature and Journalism Department,

Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics



The article analyzes the moral and ethical aspect of the depiction of the main characters of Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”, examines the literary sources that underlie Pushkin’s ethical ideal, and the prospects for its further artistic realization ( novel "The Captain's Daughter").

From the point of view of the author, the moral qualities of Cyril Petrovich Troekurov reveal a paradoxical identity with the moral appearance of his serfs, because they Express not so much class as folk ethics. On the other hand, the father and son Dubrovsky much more separated in this regard from the masses. Thus, in “Dubrovsky” A. Pushkin follows the ethical program of D. Fonvizin (“Nedorosl”): a nobleman should morally surpass the people entrusted to his care so that the rights of the primacy would receive moral sanction. This also explains, obviously, the characteristic features of the romantic methodology in the artistic structure of the novel. However, in the “Captain’s daughter” Pushkin significantly changes his approach: both nobles and commoners discover such moral qualities that unite the heroes of the work, regardless of their class affiliation and social status on the basis of the highest universal values. It also allows to solve the problem of national character and eliminate the reflexes of romanticism in an artistically consistent manner.

Keywords: the work of A. Pushkin, novel “Dubrovsky”, moral-ethical ideal of A. Pushkin, the national character in the works of A. Pushkin, romanticism in the works of A. Pushkin.



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