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To the question of syntactic synonymy and sentence paradigm

J.A. Yuzhakova


Yuzhakova Julia А.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language and Methods of its

Teaching Department,

Esenin Ryazan State University



The article is devoted to the problem of distinguishing between the concepts of “syntactic synonymy” and “sentence paradigm”. The author analyzes various approaches to the study of these phenomena, shows the existing scientific traditions and contradictions, defines the grounds for rapprochement and separation of the phenomena under consideration. On the example of syntactic constructions that lie outside the boundaries of traditional structural schemes, he considers possible synonymous and paradigmatic options. So, according to the author, the question of the paradigm and synonymy of certain personal, infinitive, impersonal, nominative, incomplete sentences, situational remarks seems ambiguous. When analyzing syntactic synonymy and the paradigm of the sentence, the author considers it necessary to take into account the communicative task in accordance with which any statement is constructed. On this basis, synonymy is possible only if the communicative task is identical, the sentence paradigm, on the contrary, does not imply an absolute identity of the communicative situation. As syntactic variants of a simple uncomplicated sentence, the author considers complicated sentences of various types, dissected and pseudo-complex sentences. Thus, consideration of syntactic synonymy and paradigm raises many more questions. However, it is obvious that almost any intervention in the formal structure without affecting the communicative level is a reconstruction path that has nothing to do with the paradigm and synonymy.

Keywords: syntax, sentence paradigm, syntactic synonymy, simple sentence, complicated sentence.



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