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Author’s proverbs with a word component Duma in the Russian language of the 1905‒1907

A.V. Zagrebel`niy


Zagrebel’nyi Artur V.,

Candidate of Philology, Scientific Researcher,

Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciеnces



The analysis of the author’s paroimias contained a word component Duma of the Russian language of the period of the first Russian revolution is presented in the article. While working with the sources of the period of 1905–1907 there were revealed two proverbs contained a word component Duma: People think, so guess something, and we do not leave thought also with our Duma and the Duma is not a meeting: will gather — you will not disperse. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time the mentioned above author’s paroimias were analyzed. The developed by the author technique of the analysis of historically distanced author's paroimias of the Russian language, including methods of the component, contextual, logical and semiotic analysis as well as analysis of vocabulary definitions were used in the work. As a result of the study the following results were obtained: there were established source paroimias; the structural and semantic transformations of source paroimias  were characterized; by determining the belonging of the source paroimias and formed on its basis author’s paroimias to the same higher logical and semiotic invariant and logical and thematic group scientifically substantiated recognition in the author’s paroimias of its system prototype; an analysis of the events of Russian history of the period of the first Russian revolution, which led to the emergence of a new paroimias, was done; the author’s paroimias judgments were formulated; its types were defined.

Keywords: author's paroimia, the first Russian revolution, structural and semantic transformation, source paroimia, higher logical and semiotic invariant type.



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