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A modern linguistics of emotions: post-classical stage

L.A. Kiseleva


Kiseleva Larisa А.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Associate Professor

Of the Theory of Language and the Methods of its Teaching Department,

Bashkir State University



The article is devoted to the topical problems of modern linguistics of emotions — a new scientific direction, the focus of which is the study of the laws of expression of emotional phenomena in language with consideration of its ethno-cultural representation. During the formation of the discipline of scientists primarily interested in questions relating to the definition of its terminological and conceptual basis, description of the procedure emotive units at different levels, the study text emotive mechanisms, analysis of the emotional concept sphere, etc. In the author's opinion, at the present time, linguistics of emotions is experiencing the post-classical stage of its development, connected with the study of problems of emotivity in the communicative-functional and pragmatic aspects. Within these approaches, a number of applied problems are posed, such as the emotive parameters of Internet communication, the emotional component of linguistic ecology and linguistic conflictology, intercultural communication in the mirror of emotional interaction, etc. Successful development of these priority areas can contribute to the development not only of the linguistics of emotions, but also of related areas, including linguistic pragmatics, the theory of speech effects, etc.


Keywords: linguistics of emotions, emotivity, communicative-functional approach, pragmatics, ethnic and cultural specifics.




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