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Traditions of the Russian medieval literature in the village prose of the second half of the 20th century: to the problem of genre

A.Yu. Bolshakova


Bolshakova Alla Yu.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher,

M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Handwritten Russian literature descended from the verbal creativity of the XI–XVII centuries till Modern times was completed at the end of the ХХ century — together with the village prose. The world Slavists has always considered the village prose as the Russian literature of the Soviet period: the prose of “moral opposition” that supported the national tradition, contrary to the pressures of censorship. However, the medieval tradition in this literary direction, which largely determines it, is still poorly studied by modern literary criticism. This article is devoted to filling this gap. The author focuses on the medieval genre’ tradition, which is actualized in the village prose of the 1960–1990s: in particular on the original implementation of the genre of chronicles and annals in it. The author's task is to consider how the reference to the Russian literature of the Middle Ages — especially the genres of chronicles and annals (characterized by documentalism and factography) — helped Russian writers of the Soviet period to overcome the framework of the socialist realism’ canon and to carry out a reversal to the historical truth, no matter how forbidden in the censorship situation it may be. A special attention is paid to intertextuality as a means of genres’ interaction and modification of the novel canon in the artistic searches of leading writers-villagers.

Keywords: literary tradition, genre, Russian Medieval  Literature, village prose,  annals, chronicles.



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